12/1/00 - Cousin Gene's RV Resort

We made it Cousin Gene's RV Resort safely. Thanks to Tara's direction, backing in was simple! The weather has been great, too!

A BIG Thank You to Cousin Gene for letting us hang out at his place, do laundry at his place, and keeping us entertained! (and installing a 50 AMP circuit for us, too!)

Please note, the following images were taken when it was in the upper 20's and snowing in Michigan. :)

Ahh... Shorts, and a T-shirt...

Did we mention it's December 1st?

Come on down, the door is open!

We backed in and have about 3' of space from the road to the front of the beast!

Whoa! That's close!

Looking to west from the front of the beast.

The girls are doing fine! We take them on walks throughout the day, and occasionally, Charly takes them on a bike ride, so they can run. :)

Pean has been wondering where the cold weather and winter went?

"Bye Bye!" they roo! We miss you!
"Bye bye!" from your hosts, too (for now!)
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