It was...
Viewed: 1193 times.
...a ton of fun!
Viewed: 1142 times.
We went on the Barrel Bridge two times!
Viewed: 1110 times.
Afterward, we went on...
Viewed: 1119 times.
Goofy's Roller Coasting. It was too much for Mel-Mel. :)
Viewed: 1191 times.
Josie decided to imitate her mommy from back in the 80's (you know, Wendy's?) ;)
Viewed: 1290 times.
Group shot! Melanie had a great idea, she mentioned to Paige & Josie...
Viewed: 1160 times.
| ask if we could ride in the front of the Monorail! And whola, they did, and Anna totally hooked us up!
Viewed: 1157 times.
Whoo hoo -- here we are!
Viewed: 1283 times.