Dad, Mel, and Mom at Cambridge in England! Oh wait, in the Law Library at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor! Go...
Viewed: 1477 times.
Viewed: 1253 times.
We stayed at the Bell Tower Hotel in Downtown...
Viewed: 1227 times.
...Ann Arbor!
Viewed: 1271 times.
Zingerman's for dinner! Oh yeah! It seems like all we did was eat and walk through the rain! ;) It was very tasty nonetheless!
Viewed: 1262 times.
Zingerman's is DE-LISH-OUS!
Viewed: 1290 times.
The Bakehouse!
Viewed: 1235 times.
All kinds of cheeses! Very tasty indeed!
Viewed: 1295 times.
Viewed: 1223 times.