Tonight, Paige & Josie decided they love the song Mamma Mia by Abba, so we all danced to it! It was fun!
Viewed: 1427 times.
Gramma and JoJo enjoying the evening...
Viewed: 1358 times.
Paige & Josie's new doggy, Molly Molloy! Almost the same day Josie broke her arm, she lost 'her dog' (as she would say), Peanut. Peanut was 15 years old, and is very missed.
Viewed: 1282 times.
While we were in England, Josie jumped off her swing and landed wrong -- breaking her arm (one bone just behind the wrist)... Today I took her to get rid of her...
Viewed: 1334 times.
| cast...
Viewed: 1293 times.
...get some X-Rays..
Viewed: 1328 times.
...and get her...
Viewed: 1368 times.
| purple cast on!
Viewed: 1354 times.
After that, we went to dance, here's Josie in her dance class.
Viewed: 1476 times.