6/10 - Tubin', skiin' and dodging rain bands. 
Would we let the rain bands from Tropical Storm Alberto stop us from havin' fun today?  Nah...
Would we let the rain bands from Tropical Storm Alberto stop us from havin' fun today? Nah...
Viewed: 1754 times.

Here's Tyler tubin!
Here's Tyler tubin!
Viewed: 1470 times.

Looks like he's in a little bit of pain!?  And we took it easy on him!
Looks like he's in a little bit of pain!? And we took it easy on him!
Viewed: 1322 times.

Dale's turn!
Dale's turn!
Viewed: 1355 times.

There he goes...
There he goes...
Viewed: 1291 times.

...look at that control!
...look at that control!
Viewed: 1289 times.

Time to ski!
Time to ski!
Viewed: 1450 times.

And he's up!
And he's up!
Viewed: 1367 times.

Didn't take too long before he realized he needs to do this more often (he was whipped!)
Didn't take too long before he realized he needs to do this more often (he was whipped!)
Viewed: 1267 times.

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