Kate steps up to the plate... "Swing batter batter!!"
Viewed: 1238 times.
Twas a good game, Kate's team won by 5 or so points! Who's countin' let's party!
Viewed: 1300 times.
Paige-E kickin' back with Gramps...
Viewed: 1823 times.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Kate with special guest star, PAIGE-E!!!!
Viewed: 1247 times.
Yep, you've witnessed it first. Adam's very first encounter with Redhat Linux 8.0 through a telnet window!
Viewed: 1262 times.
"OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE RULES!!! No more costly Microsoft based software!!" Mike screams in joy!
Viewed: 1348 times.
Adam's pretty happy too... Today we learned how to do multiple things in Linux using the program "screen", "ncftp" and editing a web page.
Viewed: 1503 times.